Big things have small beginnings.

We learned the hard way. From corn syrup, hair gel, and cheap off brand dish soap. We made all the mistakes. There is a ton of misleading information out there. We've put a lot of research and development into this craft. We are driven to give back to the world and build a community of bubble enthusiast.

Over the years

We've learned a lot. About bubbles and the world around us. The biggest lesson I've learned from bubbling is this. If you can learn how to fail, and fail well, you'll be that much better when you succeed.

Bubbles changed our lives

As with anything, we are still learning and honing our craft. We dream of a world rich in bubblemancy. This is the driving force behind our mission. We believe that the world will be a brighter place, enriched with the smiles and laughter that accompany this wondrous craft.